A day after the brief downpour the soil between the corn rows is damp and cushy. The bottom most leaves of the corn plant drapes itself across the secret passageway.
If I was smaller, and younger, the bower of corn plants would make a secret place to play.
When the movie "Signs" was released we all rushed to see it, depicting as it did a rural farmhouse surrounded by corn fields. An audible chuckle could be heard each time the characters rushed into rows of corn. Anyone who lives in farm country knows that you don't go running willy nilly into a fully grown corn field....unless you have the better part of a day to figure out how to get out! One of the most popular activities in the fall is to navigate a corn maze. More on that later........
Another fantastic photo. Love this!
Nice shot! Makes me mighty itchy though...
So many things we could find to make into playhouses or use for props in make believe lives. Mine was the pine grove with the low branches intertwined into a roof over the soft pine needle bed. It was our make believe village. We never tried the corn field but this certainly would have great possibilities.
That is one fantastic picture.
Rows and rows of corn like that always makes me apprehensive mostly because I didn't grow up around corn. I always wondered what was in there besides corn.
Too much time on my hands, my mother always said.
Such an active imagination Hick! Actually I had a friend visiting from Oklahoma one summer. The weather conditions that year had produced some freakishly tall corn...really tall. We measured 9-10 feet and more. We were driving down a road that is a "corn gauntlet"...10-foot corn on both sides. She was getting really, really nervous about it. HA. A little while later she said, "I need to go home, this corn is scary and it's waaaaaay too green around here."
Gee, I didn't think there was such a thing as too green!
Regards, Suzanne
Great pic! Last summer I got lost (literally) in a corn maze here in NH. It was muddier than I would have imagined, and with narrower rows.
I'm too scared of snakes to go crawling through there! Great picture ;)
Not to worry Poopie - we don't have snakes in Illinois. Well, we have garter snakes but they're harmless and I haven't seen one of those in years.
An fresh picture of something most people don't get to see. It almost looks as if the leaves are making circles at the end of the tunnel!
I'm a graphic designer in Iowa and I'd like to use this photo in a communications piece we're creating. It looks like your aol account from your profile is inactive. Can you e-mail me with your contact info and we can discuss? Thanks!
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