Monday, August 21, 2006

illinois sweet corn

One of the best part of any local fairs or gatherings is, of course, the food. Huge barrels are filled with salt water and the corn is added and allowed to soak for quite awhile. Of course, as is tradition, husks on. Then the corn is either steamed or grilled. Personally I prefer the grilled corn with the outer husk slightly charred.

You pull back the husks and using the husks as a handle, squirting on butter and using the hanging salt shakers to complete the delicious treat.

These ears were so sweet and delicious we vowed to walk back around and have another. As we walked the flea market area I came upon this turkey.....

.... which was propped up on the roof of a van. It's probably an old decoy used by local hunters.

Our plans to enjoy more sweet corn was thrown off the track when we came upon Fay's Barbecue Tent. They're famous for their pork chop dinners, and rightly so. You're welcome to all the cole slaw, beans and white bread you care to eat. I guess you could get into a heated argument as to who is better - Fay's or 5 B's Catering. They both serve awesome fresh food and the pork chops served this day were heavenly. We are a major pork producing area of course.

Here's the grillmaster finishing off the alternative dinner which was 1/2 of a chicken.

The many acres of the Steam Powered Threshing Bee were bathed in a strange mix of smoke and steam.


Ava said...

Mmmm ... the food!!! Corn!!!! While I do like grilled corn, steamed is still my favorite.

You found the grill master, but where were the funnel cakes?

srp said...

Oh my! That corn looks lucious.
I miss roasted corn... especially in the fall.

Tim's Blog said...
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