Sunday, February 26, 2006


At last a sunny day, but frigid still. The constant movement of the wind dips the temperatures further. Others talk of spring, things blooming in Alabama, but here we're digging in for another month or more of winter.

April 2nd snowstorms... memories of digging out. Even a warm day is nothing but a tease. Annuals dare not be planted until after Memorial Day, before then you're only making the garden center rich.

The blue sky shines through a crumbling barn roof.


srp said...

The daffodils and camellias have tried to bloom twice now. Then a freeze and they droop. Some of the camellia bushes were covered with blooms and these immediately dropped. I don't know if they will recover this year.

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's a bit more color!

Anonymous said...

I came home this weekend from Mpls. It was so refreshing. Great photo.