Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas tree farm

No farmer could make a living off selling Christmas trees, but it does provide a little extra money in the wintertime.

Most of the cut-your-own tree places around here were actually planted by the older farmers many years ago, and the operation "given" to their kids as a way to make some extra money. A few acres were set aside, planted and the trees were allowed to mature. Only a certain number may be harvested each year, allowing the others to grow for the following year.

Unfortunately with liability insurance issues and droughts, many of the Christmas tree farms have given up selling to the public.

This is Zieglers, on McDonald Road. In the summer time they sell regular trees and perennials.


Rachel said...

I love all the trees at tree farms, all standing like soldiers!

That's a pretty picture, but snow.... makes me feel chilly!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!