Sunday, May 29, 2005


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I pulled onto the gravel alongside Jericho Road, about a mile from where the east and west forks of Big Rock Creek meet up. The old bridge across the swollen creek was built in the 1940's, and the concrete is crumbling under the forces of wind, weather and traffic. My intention was to shoot the creek and bridge but while walking along I noticed something down the steep embankment. Thousands of bees were busy building a hive which was dangling precariously from a dead branch. I climbed over the metal guardrail and gingerly made my way a few feet down the slope. A tripod was out of the question, it was all I could do to keep myself from tumbling down to the creekbed. This was taken handheld with a 70-300mm lens, tightly cropped and curves adjusted in Photoshop. The resultant image is interesting I think... it looks more like an illustration.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have a camera in your hand and you are loose in the world!

Anonymous said...

I came accross your site via bluefrog's.
Your photography is wonderful, as well as your stories. I shall return often!

Sidney said...

You risked your life for a picture :-) ?

Suzanne said...

Ha ha ha, not my life, a broken nose maybe!