Monday, April 03, 2006


Horrible weather is sweeping across the midwest, leaving communities destroyed and lives lost. Yesterday was grey and wet in northern Illinois, but elsewhere big trouble was brewing.

Our son called from central Illinois where he was visiting his sister at college. He said that he was delaying the departure for home - the sky just to the west was black and clouds had begun to swirl, moving in a way that could only spell danger.

Mother Nature demands respect. All the work of man can be destroyed in an instant. Our egocentric minds believe we have things under control, which is a foolish thought actually. She can throw you a curve at any time.


srp said...

Living in both northern Indiana and Oklahoma as well as Texas I know the power of those storms. Even Mississippi wasn't immune. I still head for closets at the sound of a siren or the weather warning.

Anonymous said...

We got rain and a little rumbling in my part of Kansas City, but I'm hoping that my woods experienced a big rain and Lake Marguerite is filled. I'll know on Friday!

R.Powers said...

Here, tornadoes seem to strike with no advance open vistas to spot them in the distance. I did see the midwest damage on the news and hope things calm down for y'all.

...except at Roundrock, where I am hoping it gushed rain into Lake M.

Tim Rice said...

Mother Nature does demand respect. One time during a particularly violent thunderstorm, lightening partially melted and threw one of our phones off the wall as well as damaging a multitude of appliances.

We're hoping for lots of rain here soon. It was a dry March.

Suzanne said...

I'm hoping for some awesome photos of Lake M. overspilling into that neat system you have Pablo.

srp - I know the duck and cover drill. Thank goodness we have a basement to hide in. I'd prefer a root cellar that doesn't have any windows or 10,000 ft. of lumber hanging over you.

Cracker - Most times you can see them coming...not at night, and not those nasty ones that hide behind a thunderstorm. We actually drove in one three years ago, running parallel with the twister. It was so dark and wild we never knew till later.

Tim - Yes! When we visited my uncles farm when I was a kid, an approaching thunderstorm meant we all sat in the middle of the house and unplugged every electric appliance - lamps, TVs, radios, everything!

Sharon Delman said...

My brother left Decatur, heading home to Bloomington. Hearing the wail of the sirens, he pulled off the highway in Clinton. Tornadoes certainly instill respect for nature. Those sirens will forever instill fear.